CoverHound Quotes JSON API (version 1) reference
This document describes how to utilize the CoverHound Quotes API (version 1).
Quotes API
The Quotes API provides a channel for you to post customer lead data to CoverHound and receive back quotes from our collaborating carriers.
Use of the Quotes API requires an API key and an API secret. Note that any API credentials shown in this document are examples and will not work in a real situation.
The Quotes API is JSON based, it accepts JSON input, and returns a JSON response. You can use a tool such as curl to easily try out the API.
The Quotes API requires the use of your API key and secret to authenticate yourself and get an access token. This token will then be used to make quote requests. The token will be valid until you decide otherwise and invalidate it.
Getting an access token
POST /api/oauth/access_token Accept: application/json Content-type: application/json { "apiKey": "eb6ad34d-6989-4f94-874d-e2f848dede63", "apiSecret": "1337648ad51d99be78e446f8d721e8aa", "grantType": "credentials" }
Returns your access token as a string like
Invalidating an access token
POST /api/oauth/invalidate Accept: application/json Content-type: application/json { "apiKey": "eb6ad34d-6989-4f94-874d-e2f848dede63", "apiSecret": "1337648ad51d99be78e446f8d721e8aa", "accessToken": "f3657af5975b2fd1b148307570a4c2fe" }
Returns a 401 (Unauthorized) with header X-Error-Detail "Invalid token." if the token doesn't exist.
If your credentials are wrong, you will get a 401 (Unauthorized) with header X-Error-Detail "Invalid credentials".
POST Accept: application/json Content-type: application/json Access-Token: f3657af5975b2fd1b148307570a4c2fe { "userId":"", "carriers":["ESRNC"], "usePolling": false, "applicant":{ "mailingAddress1":"1 California St", "mailingAddress2":"#1100", "mailingZip":"94111", "phone1":"5558675309", "email":"", "effectiveDate":"12-07-2014", "vehicles":[ { "vin":"1FMDU63K3U", "use":"Commute", "mileage":10000, "commuteDistance":9, "commuteFrequency":5, "purchaseDate":"06-15-2015", "ownership":"Paid in Full", "commuteNyNj":false, "primaryDriver":0 } ], "drivers":[ { "primaryApplicant":true, "primaryVehicle":0, "firstName":"John", "middleName":"Trevor", "lastName":"Walsh", "birthDate":"05-01-1975", "gender":"M", "marital":"Married", "education":"High School", "careerStatus":"Full-Time Student", "homeowner":true, "residenceType":"Condo", "ageLicensed":16, "goodStudent":true, "distantStudent": false, "licenseStatus":"Valid", "sr22":false, "excluded":false, "vehicles":[0] }, { "primaryApplicant":false, "primaryVehicle":0, "firstName":"Janet", "lastName":"Walsh", "birthDate":"12-25-1978", "gender":"F", "marital":"Married", "education":"Some High School", "careerStatus":"Employed", "occupationIndustry":"Art/Design/Media", "occupation":"Actor", "homeowner":true, "residenceType":"Condo", "relationPrimary":"Spouse", "addressPrimarySame":true, "ageLicensed":20, "licenseStatus":"Valid", "sr22":false, "excluded":false, "vehicles":[0] } ], "incidents":[ { "incidentType":"Accident", "incidentDetails":"At Fault (Less than $750 damage)", "incidentDate":"09-01-2010", "driverNum":0 } ], "priorPolicy":{ "insuredDuration": "2 years", "insuredDurationDetail": "2 years", "expirationDate": "12-01-2015", "priorBIPerson": 100000, "priorBIAccident": 300000, "priorCarrier": "OTHER" } }, "coverages":{ "policy": { "biPerson": 15000, "biAccident": 30000, "mp": 5000, "pd": 5000, "umpd": 0, "umbiPerson": 15000, "umbiAccident": 30000 }, "vehicles": [ { "coll": 0, "comp": 0 } ] } }
- string
- Required
- Identifier you use to identify a customer.
- boolean
- Optional
- Make a polling request - gets you a transactionId that you can use to fetch updates about your request
- array
- Required
- Codes of the carriers you want to quote.
Please use following mapping values:
Carrier Code Acuity ACUIT Bristol West BRSTL CAIC CAIC Dairyland DAIRY Infinity INFINI Kemper KEMPR MAPFRE MAPFR National General Insurance GMAC Nationwide NTNWD Progressive PROGR Safeco SAFEC State Auto STATA The General GENRL
Applicant (attribute: applicant)
- string
- Required
- The first line of the street address used to receive written communication. (eg "1 California St")
- string
- Optional
- The second line of the street address used to receive written communication. (eg "#1100")
- string
- Required
- The 5-digit zip code associated with the mailing address of the applicant
- Possible values: ZIPs within the 50 states and Washington DC, except for AK, HI, and MA.
- string
- Optional
- The primary phone number of the shopper. Must be 10 digits, no punctuation.
- string
- Optional
- The secondary phone number of the shopper. Must be 10 digits, no punctuation.
- string
- Required
- The email address of the shopper.
- string
- Required
- The date the shopper would like her policy to start. Must be at least 1 day after the request.
Vehicles (attribute: vehicles)
- string
- Required
- The VIN (pattern)
- Possible values:
- Any valid 17-digit VIN for US vehicles manufactured 1981 or later. The VIN should not contain asterisks.
- Any valid VIN pattern for US vehicles manufactured 1981 or later. For data from the Polk database, this will be a 17-digit string with asterisks in positions 9 and 11-17, for example "YV1RH592*8*******". For all others, this should be a 10-digit string consisting of the values from positions 1-8 and 10-11 of the vehicle's VIN, for example "YV1RH59282".
- string
- Required
- The primary usage of the vehicle.
- Possible values:
- Commute
- Pleasure
- Business
- integer
- Required
- The estimated annual mileage driven.
- integer
- Required when use is "Commute"
- The estimated miles to work one way.
- integer (1-7)
- Required when use is "Commute"
- The number of days driven to work per week.
- mm-dd-yyyy
- Optional
- The date the customer purchased the vehicle.
- string
- Required
- The ownership of the vehicle
- Possible values:
- Paid in Full
- Financed
- Leased
- boolean
- Required if the mailing address is located in Pennsylvania
- Possible values:
- true if the vehicle is used to commute to either New York or New Jersey
- false otherwise
- integer
- Required
- The primary driver of this vehicle
- Possible values: 0-based index in vehicles
Drivers (attribute: drivers)
- boolean
- Required
- Is this driver the primary applicant on the new policy?
- Possible values: true, false
- string
- Required
- The first name of the driver
- string
- Required
- The last name of the driver
- string
- Optional
- The middle name of the driver
- mm-dd-yyyy
- Required
- The birth date of the driver
- string
- Required
- Possible values:
- 'M' for Male
- 'F' for Female
- string
- Required
- The marital status of the driver
- Possible values:
- Single
- Married
- Divorced
- Separated
- Widowed
- Domestic Partner
- string
- Optional
- The driver's license number
- string
- Required if dlNum is given
- The abbrevation for the driver's license state, for example "TX"
- string
- Required
- The level of education completed by the driver
- Some High School
- High School
- Some College
- 2 Year College
- 4 Year College
- Graduate Degree
- Doctorate
- string
- Required
- The career status of the driver
- Possible values:
- Employed
- Unemployed
- Full-Time Student
- Retired
- Disabled
- The occupation industry of the driver
- Required if careerStatus = Employed
- We accept standard ACORD values for occupation industries. See this CSV file for the mappings between occupationIndustry and occupation. All accepted values are included.
- The occupation of the driver
- Required if careerStatus = Employed
- We accept standard ACORD values for occupations. See this CSV file for the mappings between occupation_industry and occupation. All accepted values are included.
- boolean
- Required if careerStatus = Full-Time Student
- Possible values:
- true if the driver has an overall GPA of 3.0 or better
- false otherwise
- boolean
- Optional
- Possible values:
- true if the driver is a distant student
- false if the driver is not a distant student
- boolean
- Required
- true if the driver is a homeowner, false otherwise.
- Possible values: true, false
- string
- Required if homeowner = true
- The type of residence the driver owns
- Possible values:
- Home
- Condo
- Townhouse
- Mobile Home
- Other
- string
- Required if the driver is not the primary applicant
- The driver's relationship to the primary applicant
- Possible values:
- Spouse
- Domestic Partner
- Child
- Parent
- Other
- boolean
- Required if the driver is not the primary applicant
- Possible values:
- true if the driver lives at the same address at the primary applicant
- false otherwise
- integer
- Required
- The age that the driver was first licensed
- Possible values: 15 - 100 (inclusive)
- string
- Required
- The license status of the driver
- Possible values:
- Valid
- Permit
- Expired
- Suspended
- Cancelled
- Not Licensed
- Permanently Revoked
- boolean
- Required
- Does the driver require an SR-22?
- Possible values: true, false
- string
- Optional
- The driver's social security number
- boolean
- Required
- Should this driver be excluded from the policy?
- Possible values: true, false
- array of integer
- Required
- The vehicles this driver will drive
- Possible values: 0-based indexes of vehicles
- integer
- Required
- Vehicle that driver primarily drives
- Possible values: 0-based index in vehicles (applicant's not driver's)
Incidents (attribute: incidents)
- string
- Required if incident is present
- The type of incident
- Possible values:
- Accident
- Claim
- Moving Violation
- Other Violation
- Speeding
- string
- The details associated with the respective incident
- Required if incident is present
- We accept standard ACORD values for incident detail. See this CSV file for the mappings between incident_type and incident_detail. All accepted values are included.
- string
- Required if incident is present
- The date on which the incident occurred
- Format: mm-dd-yyyy
- integer
- Required if incident is present
- Identifies the driver the incident is associated with.
- Possible values: 0-based index in drivers
Prior Policy (attribute: priorPolicy)
- string
- Required
- The amount of time the shopper has been continuously insured
- Possible values:
- Not Currently Insured
- 0-6 months
- 6-12 months
- 1 year
- 2 years
- 3 years
- 4 years
- 5 years
- 6+ years
- string
- Optional
- The amount of time the shopper has been continuously insured (detail)
- Possible values:
- Not Currently Insured
- 1 month
- 2 months
- 3 months
- 4 months
- 5 months
- 6 months
- 7 months
- 8 months
- 9 months
- 10 months
- 11 months
- 1 year
- 2 years
- 3 years
- 4 years
- 5 years
- 6 years
- 7 years
- 8 years
- 9 years
- 10 years
- 11 years
- 12 years
- 13 years
- 14 years
- 15 years
- 16 years
- 17 years
- 18 years
- 19 years
- 20 years
- 21+ years
- string
- Required when insuredDuration = Not Currently Insured
- The amount of time the shopper has not been insured
- Possible values:
- Never Insured
- < 1 Month
- > 1 Month
- string
- Optional
- The expiration date of the shopper's current or previous policy
- Format: mm-dd-yyyy
- integer
- Optional
- The per person BI limit for the shopper's current or previous policy
- Accepted values are outlined on this page by state (shown as biPerson / biAccident)
- integer
- Optional
- The per person BI limit for the shopper's current or previous policy
- Accepted values are outlined on this page by state (shown as biPerson / biAccident)..
- string
- Optional
- Code of the shopper's previous carrier.
Please use following mapping values:
Carrier Code 21st Century 21CEN AAA AAA AARP AARP Acuity ACUIT Allstate ALLST AmFam AMFAM Amica AMMUT Auto Club AUTOC Bristol West BRSTL CAIC CAIC Century National CENTN COUNTRY CNTRY CSE CSEI Dairyland DAIRY Direct General DIRGG Electric ELECT Elephant ELEPH Encompass ENCMP Erie ERIEG Esurance ESRNC Farmers FARMS Fireman's Fund FIREM Foremost FOREM Geico GEICO Good2Go OMNIG High Point PALIS iMingle IMING Infinity INFINI Kemper KEMPR Liberty Mutual LBRTY MAPFRE MAPFR Mercury MRMCC MetLife METRO National General Insurance GMAC Nationwide NTNWD Other OTHER Pacific Specialty PACSP Plymouth Rock PLYMT Progressive PROGR SafeAuto SAFEA Safeco SAFEC Shelter Insurance SHLTR State Auto STATA State Farm SFARM Stillwater FIDNT The General GENRL The Hartford HARTF Titan TITAN Travelers TRAVL Unitrin UNTRN Universal North America UNAIC USAA USAAG Workmen's WRKMN
Coverages (attribute: coverages)
Policy (attribute: policy)
- Coverages for the policy.
- integers
- Required: biPerson biAccident mp pd umpd umbiPerson umbiAccident
- Optionals: uim uimPerson uimAccident pip pipDeductible apip workLoss optbiPerson optbiAccident pipOptions accidentalDeath brb supplemental wageLoss limCollDed firstParty extraMedicalExp uimpd tortLimitation funeralExpense combinationFirstParty stackedUm pipAppliesTo extendedMedical medicalExpense autoDeathIndemnity medicalExpenseExclusion pipApplies incomeLoss stackedUim supplementalSpousalLiability additionalDeath um-option obel threshold healthcare pipStacking pipWorkLossWaiver propertyProtectionInsurance umUimConversion
- See this page for the possible values, depending on the state of the shopper. All accepted values are included.
biPerson and biAccident will be found under bi like this: "biPerson / biAccident".
Same for uim, umbi, workloss, and optbi.
Vehicles (attribute: vehicles)
For each vehicle, in the same order as the vehicles attribute, list all the coverages in an object.
- integers
- Required: coll comp
- Optionals: loanLeaseGap rrDay rrMonth tl
- See this page for the possible values, depending on the state of the shopper. All accepted values are included.
rrDay and rrMonth will be found under rr like this: "rrDay / rrMonth".
Successful Response - Successful Quote
Status code: 201, Success
{ "userId":"", "transactionId":"232c552e-3756-43a6-a641-be32755e28d3", "customerId":628171, "coverages":{ "policy":{ "biPerson":15000 "biAccident":30000, "mp":5000, "pd":5000, "umpd":0, "umbiPerson":0, "umbiAccident":0 }, "vehicles":[ { "coll":0, "comp":0, "tl":0, "rrDay":0, "rrMonth":0 } ] }, "quotes":[ { "carrierCode":"ESRNC", "carrierName":"Esurance", "payPlans":[ { "payPlanName":"Pay in Full", "payPlanDesc":"Pay in Full", "termLength":6, "downPayment":"376.9", "installment":"0.0", "numInstallments":0, "nextInstallment":"08-01-2014", "totalPremium":"376.9" }, { "payPlanName":"Monthly, Automatic Payments", "payPlanDesc":"Monthly, Automatic Payments", "termLength":6, "downPayment":"126.33", "installment":"67.63", "numInstallments":4, "nextInstallment":"08-01-2014", "totalPremium":"396.85" } ] } ], "purchaseUrl":"", "purchasePhone":"8556419932" }
Successful Response - Carrier does not wish to write the risk
{ "userId":"", "transactionId":"232c552e-3756-43a6-a641-be32755e28d3", "customerId":628171, "coverages":{ "policy":{ "biPerson":15000 "biAccident":30000, "mp":5000, "pd":5000, "umpd":0, "umbiPerson":0, "umbiAccident":0 }, "vehicles":[ { "coll":0, "comp":0, "tl":0, "rrDay":0, "rrMonth":0 } ] }, "quotes":[ { "carrierCode":"ESRNC", "carrierName":"Esurance", "error":"Esurance does not wish to quote this risk type" } ], "purchaseUrl":"", "purchasePhone":"8556419932" }
Successful Response - Carrier integration issue
{ "userId":"", "transactionId":"232c552e-3756-43a6-a641-be32755e28d3", "customerId":628171, "coverages":{ "policy":{ "biPerson":15000 "biAccident":30000, "mp":5000, "pd":5000, "umpd":0, "umbiPerson":0, "umbiAccident":0 }, "vehicles":[ { "coll":0, "comp":0, "tl":0, "rrDay":0, "rrMonth":0 } ] }, "quotes":[ { "carrierCode":"ESRNC", "carrierName":"Esurance", "error":"We are currently unable to provide a quote from Esurance for an unexpected reason. We will look to resolve shortly." } ], "purchaseUrl":"", "purchasePhone":"8556419932" }
- string
- Identifier you use to identify the customer.
- string
- Unique identifier for this request.
- integer
- Identifier we use to identify the customer.
- object
- The same representation of coverages as in the request but with eventual changes or default values.
- array
- For successful quotes, contains array of payment plans and array of discounts. For unsuccessful quotes, contains error message. Both contain carrier code and carrier name.
- string
- A link to CoverHound where the shopper can retrieve their quotes and finalize the transaction.
- string
- A phone line to CoverHound where the shopper can ask for advice and finalize the transaction.
Response with errors
Status code: 400, Bad syntax or bad data. If JSON is well formed, the errors object will describe any data problems.
{ "status":400, "message":"applicant[vehicles][ownership] does not have a valid value", "errors":{ "applicant[vehicles][ownership]":[ "does not have a valid value" ] } }
Status code: 401, Bad API key. Either the API key is missing or invalid.
{ "status":"Fail", "error_message":"Bad Key" }
Status code: 503, Timeout. Service unavailable or carrier unresponsive.
{ "status":503, "message":"The service is currently unavailable due to a server failure." }
Status code: 5xx, Something is wrong on CoverHound's side.
Why should I use polling?
There are two major benefits to using polling:
If you request quotes from multiple carriers, polling allows you to receive quotes as they become available. When using a single request, you need to wait until all quotes are available before you receive any. So if Carrier A is ready in 6 seconds and Carrier B takes 30 seconds, polling allows you to receive and display the Carrier A quote in 6 seconds and the Carrier B quote in 30 seconds. If you use a single, long-running request you will receive quotes from both Carrier A and Carrier B after 30 seconds.
Polling allows us to serve many concurrent requests because all of the requests can be answered quickly. If you send many concurrent long-running requests, our servers may become overloaded and performance will suffer
How do I use polling?
In your initial request, send a top-level entry for "usePolling": true. You will get back a response that looks something like this:
{ "userId":"", "transactionId":"232c552e-3756-43a6-a641-be32755e28d3", }
You can then use that transactionId and check this endpoint for updates:
GET[transactionId] Accept: application/json Content-type: application/json Access-Token: f3657af5975b2fd1b148307570a4c2fe
We suggest a polling interval of 5 seconds. The responses mirror those without polling where quotes are added as they complete. Quotes can have statuses of started, error or complete.
{ [...] "quotes": [ { "carrierCode": "SAFEC", "carrierName": "Safeco", "status": "error", "error": "Safeco does not wish to quote this risk type." }, { "carrierCode": "CSEI", "carrierName": "CSE", "status": "started" }, { "carrierCode": "PROGR", "carrierName": "Progressive", "status": "complete", "payPlans": [...], "purchaseUrl": "" } ] }